
Ask Miller!

My ninth grade year, I was very privileged to be able to write for Terry Friedman, a leading educator in technology in the United Kingdom. I first got started writing for Mr. Friedman when I was asked by my computer teacher, Mrs. Vicki D., to write an article about personal learning networks for his newsletter. I loved writing for Mr. Terry. He was a great mentor and offered much insight into the technology world about which I was writing. I was also able to have a Skype video conference interview with him and his wife. I finished the article for his newsletter around the middle off March 2009. I was then offered a chance to have my own column, an Ask Miller column, in his newsletter. I was very excited, and I began writing. I wrote about many different aspects of the technology world. Many readers left questions for me to answer, and Mr. Terry shared a Google document with me on which I answered the questions. I continued to write the Ask Miller column until the 2008-2009 school term ended in May. Writing for Mr. Terry is one of my most special accomplishments. It was such a great honor to be able to write for a leading technology leader. I enjoyed sharing what I had learned in my computer classes with people around the world. Becoming an author was such an unforgettable experience, and I hope that I will have the opportunity to write for Mr. Terry again.